Frequently Asked Questions

Elke week maken we een selection  of plants that outshine at that moment. These are plants that florish or are still budding. This weekly selection is particularly handy for direct sales.

Please note: when a plant is not in the list, that doesn’t mean it’s not glimmering at that moment. Sometimes a larger amount of our plants flourish or bud at the same time. For concise drafting the list usually only contains a preset number of sorts. When for example a lot of Clematises flourish, we only include about ten of the hundredths of sorts in our weekly selection.

You can easily check the box “Show retail price” in the top right corner of the plant shopt This will display an extra field where you can enter a retail price for every sort you order. This retail price can be used on the labels on the plants. Click here for more information on our labels.

You can just as well fill in the retail price afterwards, when you click on your shopping cart. You will then see a list of all the plants that you have ordered. You can still adjust quantities here, delete plants or enter a retail price.

If your retail price previously established by us and if it follow the same fixed rate for each plant, you can’t adjust the price on the website. Give the new coefficient in the message when you order online, send an e-mail or call us. Then we’ll gladly adjust this for you.